We can save you £1000’s on residential rehab centres prices
We are the only drug home detox company to offer this level of support. Cetox Healthcare Ltd has been helping clients since 2009. There is no better time to get help, then now. Totally Confidential, and nothing will go on your medical record. Drug home detox programmes in the comfort of your own home.
Call: 07811 606 606 (24 hours)
There are many drugs, legal and illegal people become addicted to. We cover ALL drug addictions in our home detox programmes in the comfort of your own home. We also offer residential rehab with prices listed below on this page.
Drug Home Detox – How it works
1: Call our team now on Tel: 07811 606 606
2: We will get one of our fully qualified addiction treatment nurses to call you
3: He will give you a full telephone assessment to make sure it is safe for you to have a home detox.
4: Our nurse will come and visit you and your supervisor (The friend or family member who will be administering your medication) Our nurse will then leave you your medication after he has explained how it all works, the quantities etc.
Step 5: Our nurse will phone you and your supervisor everyday during your detox to make sure you are safe, and your supervisor knows how much medication to administer. Our nurse normally phones 3 or 4 times a day during your detox period.
Step 6: Now your detox is finished, our nurse will set you up with local help if needed.
Our drug home detox prices very depending on which drug needs addressing.
Call our team for more details on Tel: 0845 3881 543.
Residential Rehab Centre – Prices
if you are looking for an Alcohol Home Detox, please go to our alcohol home detox website for full details. Our Alcohol Home Detox is set at one price of just £1,295 no matter where you live in the UK.
Residential Rehab Centres
If you do to want a drug home detox, we have drug rehab centres and detox centres throughout the UK. We will have a centre near you, or in some cases far enough away for where you live. Our programs start from a day 10 detox and rehab programme up to 24 weeks. Most clients choose between 4 and 12 weeks, but the choice is entirely up to you.