If you would like more details on a our drug home detox programme, or you would like to book a drug home detox. Please cal our team on:
Immediate Help – Tel: 07811 606 606
local call rate from anywhere in the UK
We are happy to offer you help and advice on anything from this website to do with a drug detox, home detox, residential detox, residential rehab etc. Our team is here 24 hours a day, everyday. It has never been easier to get the correct help for you or a loved ones addiction. We have helped thousands of people suffering with a drug addiction. We can help you. Our drug home detox programmes can be carried out anywhere in the UK. After you have called our team, your drug home detox normally starts within 2 to 3 days, or can be sooner on request. If you would like any help or advice, or to book a drug home detox, call our team on tel: 0845 3881 543